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Conveyancing Packages at standard rates

Package Services SALE with no mortgage
SALE with one mortgage
PURCHASE with no mortgage
PURCHASE with one mortgage
REFINANCE one mortgage

Conveyancing Packages at standard rates

homeland Property Law offers conveyancing packages at standard rates inclusive of all normal conveyancing disbursements and Goods and Services Tax. The Urban Residential packages below are based on transactions that proceed without significant dispute.

The properties must be:
- Urban residential.
- Listed with a real estate agency (for a sale or purchase transaction).
- Private sales may incur an additional fee of $150.00 inclusive of GST if preparation of a sales and purchase agreement is required.
- Sales and purchases incur an additional fee of $500.00 inclusive of GST for every $1 million (or part thereof) of the sale or purchase price above $1.5 million.

The current Urban Residential package rates are:

Sale No Mortgage $ 900
  One Mortgage $ 1,100
Purchase No Mortgage $ 1,100
  One Mortgage $ 1,500
Refinance One Mortgage $ 900

The services covered by each package are set out fully at Package Services.

Package Services

The Conveyancing Package rates cover all the services and disbursements required to complete the standard transactions described below and are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax at 15.0%.

Sometimes a transaction will involve a default by a party leading to a significant dispute. That does not happen often but, if it does, we will discuss with you any further charges or costs due to additional attendances.

SALE with no mortgage: $900.00

Standard services
- Receipt of signed agreement for sale and purchase (completed by real estate agent).
- Complete legal/professional requirements to identify client including obtain (copy) current client photo identification and obtain required AML/CFT identification/information.
- Open file and trust account ledger.
- Check the agreement details.
- Obtain a land title search for the property.
- Reviewing transaction in compliance with the requirements of the Residential Land Withholding Tax legislation.
- Obtaining Residential Land Withholding Tax declaration/s (IR1101) if required and retaining for our records together with all supporting information and documents.
- Calculating and deducting RLWT if required.
- Completing IR1100 return and making RLWT payment to Inland Revenue if required.
- Obtaining your consent to our providing information held by us relating to your FATCA or CRS status to Inland Revenue and/or any bank maintaining a trust account for us.
- Conduct search of Personal Property Security Register for the vendor (seller) if chattels are being sold.
- Diarise the dates for payment of any deposit, any conditions, the purchaser’s right to requisition the title and the giving and taking of possession and settlement.
- Confirm receipt of the agreement and condition dates to the vendor, the real estate agent and the purchaser’s solicitor.
- Monitor/follow up the fulfilment of any conditions.
- Negotiate with the purchaser’s solicitor on behalf of the vendor any matters in connection with the fulfilment of any vendor conditions.
- Notify the vendor, the purchaser and the real estate agent, of the fulfilment of any vendor conditions.
- Negotiate with the purchaser’s solicitor on behalf of the vendor any matters in connection with the fulfilment of any purchaser conditions.
- Notify the vendor and the real estate agent of the fulfilment of any purchaser conditions.
- Notify the vendor and the real estate agent of the agreement becoming unconditional or not.
- Receive and check the amount of the deposit (less the real estate agent’s commission) and paying this to the vendor.
- Check the Notice of Sale details entered in Landonline Workspace.
- Check the vendor’s rates and rates payments with the relevant local authorities.
- Prepare a vendor Settlement Statement and send copies to purchaser’s solicitor and the vendor.
- Receive/attend on completion of Land Transfer Tax Statement/s.
- Attend on signing of Client Authority and Instruction for an Electronic Transaction by the vendor including checking and copying of photo identification.
- Attend on settlement of the sale (receive the balance of purchase price and release transfer of ownership to the purchaser’s solicitor and arrange/ensure the handover of the vendor’s keys).
- Attend on completion of vendor’s transfer of ownership of the property to the purchaser.
- Pay settlement proceeds (less costs) to the vendor.
- Post Notices of Sale to the local authorities.
- Complete all records of Trust Account transactions.
- Report to the vendor.
- Close and retain the file for the legal minimum period

AML/CFT means Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009.
FATCA means The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
CRS means the OECD Common Reporting Standard.
OECD means the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
RLWT means Residential Land Withholding Tax
SALE with one mortgage: $1,100.00

Standard services
All the services provided for a sale with no mortgage plus the following:
- Advise the mortgagee (lender) of sale and request a discharge of mortgage and settlement statement.
- Receive and check the discharge of mortgage.
- Give the vendor a copy of the mortgagee’s settlement statement to check.
- Receive additional funds from the vendor if there are insufficient sale proceeds to repay the mortgagee.
- Pay funds to the mortgagee to discharge the mortgage.
- Attend on registration of the discharge of the vendor’s lender’s mortgage security.


PURCHASE with no mortgage: $1,100.00

Standard services
- Receipt of signed agreement for sale and purchase (completed by real estate agent).
- Complete legal/professional requirements to identify client including obtain (copy) current client photo identification and obtain required AML/CFT identification/information.
- Open file and trust account ledger.
- Check the agreement details.
- Reviewing transaction in compliance with the requirements of section 51A of the Overseas Investment Act 2005.
- Obtaining Residential Land Statement from the purchaser if required and retaining for our records together with all supporting information and documents.
- Reviewing transaction in compliance with the requirements of the Residential Land Withholding Tax legislation.
- Obtaining Residential Land Withholding Tax declaration (IR1101) from the vendor if required and retaining for our records together with all supporting information and documents.
- Calculating and deducting RLWT if required.
- Completing IR1100 return and making RLWT payment to Inland Revenue if required.
- Obtaining your consent to our providing information held by us relating to your FATCA or CRS status to Inland Revenue and/or any bank maintaining a trust account for us.
- Obtain a land title search for the property including all interests noted on the title.
- Conduct a search of Personal Property Security Register for the vendor (seller) if chattels are being purchased.
- Diarise the dates for payment of any deposit, any conditions, right to requisition the title and the giving and taking of possession and settlement.
- Confirm receipt of the agreement and condition dates to the purchaser, the real estate agent and the vendor's solicitor.
- Monitor/follow up/attend to the fulfilment of any conditions.
- Order any LIM (Land Information Memorandum) Report required by the purchaser. [N.B. The cost of a LIM Report is not included in our fixed sum fee]
- Review any LIM (Land Information Memorandum) Report obtained from the local authority and advise the purchaser.
- Negotiate with the vendor's solicitor on behalf of the purchaser any matters in connection with the fulfilment of any purchaser conditions.
- Notify the purchaser and the vendor's solicitor of the fulfilment of any purchaser conditions.
- Negotiate with the vendor's solicitor on behalf of the purchaser any matters in connection with the fulfilment of any vendor conditions.
- Notify the purchaser of the fulfilment of any vendor conditions.
- Notify the purchaser and the vendor's solicitor of the agreement becoming unconditional or not.
- Monitor payment of the deposit by the purchaser to the real estate agent.
- Obtain a guaranteed search of the land title for the property.
- Prepare Deed of Nomination (if required).
- Receive/attend on completion of Land Transfer Tax Statement.
- Attend on signing of Client Authority and Instruction for an Electronic Transaction including checking and copying of photo identification.
- Check the Notice of Sale details entered in Landonline Workspace.
- Receive and check the vendor's Settlement Statement and send a copy to the purchaser.
- Check the vendor's rates and rates payments with the relevant local authorities.
- Receive further funds from the purchaser if insufficient loan funds to settle the purchase.
- Receive loan funds from the lender.
- Attend on settlement of the purchase (receive funds to settle the purchase price and give or send to the vendor's solicitor and arrange/ensure handover of the vendor's keys).
- Attend on registration of the transfer of ownership of the property to the purchaser.
- Receive a copy of land title following registration of the Transfer and report to the purchaser with a copy of the land title and trust account statement.
- Complete all records of Trust Account transactions.
- Close and retain the file for the legal minimum period.

AML/CFT means Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009.
FATCA means The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
CRS means the OECD Common Reporting Standard.
OECD means the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
RLWT means Residential Land Withholding Tax.

PURCHASE with one mortgage: $1,500.00

Standard services
All the services provided for a purchase with no mortgage plus the following:
- Assist in making the purchaser’s loan application, if required.
- Receive and check instructions from the lender (mortgagee).
- Obtain the written consent of the borrower/purchaser to act for the lender as well as the borrower (waiver of right to independent legal advice and consent to act for both parties).
- Review the lender’s loan documentation and explain to the purchaser.
- Monitor completion of any conditions required by the lender.
- Prepare the lender’s mortgage.
- Attend on the signing of the lender’s loan documentation and mortgage by the purchaser.
- Give/send disclosure copies of the loan documentation and mortgage to the purchaser (where disclosure is required by statute).
- Obtain any (copy) documents/purchaser identification required by the lender.
- Liaise with the purchaser’s insurers regarding the lender’s insurance conditions.
- Give/send a Solicitor’s Certificate and other documentation required to the lender.
- Receive further funds from the purchaser if insufficient loan funds to settle the purchase.
- Receive loan funds from the lender.
- Attend on registration of the lender’s mortgage.
- Send confirmation of registration of the lender’s mortgage to the lender with a copy of the land title.


REFINANCE one security property: $900.00
Additional security properties: $600.00 each

Standard services
- Receive and check instructions from your new lender/mortgagee.
- Complete legal/professional requirements to identify client including obtain (copy) current client photo identification and obtain required AML/CFT identification/information.
- Open file and trust account ledger.
- Obtain any (copy) documents/borrower photo identification required by your new lender.
- Obtaining your consent to our providing information held by us relating to your FATCA or CRS status to Inland Revenue and/or any bank maintaining a trust account for us.
- Obtain the written consent of you as the borrower to act for your new lender as well as you as the borrower (waiver of right to independent legal advice and consent to act for both parties).
- Obtain a guaranteed search of the land title for the security property.
- Review your new lender’s loan documentation and explain to you as the borrower.
- Monitor completion of any conditions required by your new lender.
- Request a discharge of mortgage and settlement statement from your existing mortgagee/lender.
- Receive and check your existing lender’s discharge of mortgage.
- Give you a copy of your existing lender’s settlement statement to check.
- Attend on the signing by you of your new lender’s loan documentation.
- Give/send disclosure copies of your new lender’s loan and security documentation to you as the borrower (where disclosure is required by statute).
- Attend on the preparation of the Client Authority and Instruction for an Electronic Transaction and attendance on the signing of the same by you as the mortgagor.
- Receive from your insurers a certificate of currency (certificate of insurance) in the form required by your new lender.
- Give/send a Solicitor’s Certificate, the completed/signed loan agreement/s and other documentation required to your new lender.
- Receive further funds from you if insufficient loan funds to repay your existing loan/s.
- Receive new loan funds from your new lender.
- Pay funds to your existing lender/mortgagee required to obtain the discharge of its mortgage.
- Attend on registration of your existing lender/mortgagee’s discharge of mortgage and your new lender’s mortgage.
- Obtain a search copy of the land title for the security property showing your new lender’s mortgage.
- Send confirmation of registration of your new lender’s mortgage, and a copy of the land title, with our report to your new lender.
- Complete all records of Trust Account transactions.
- Report to you with confirmation of registration of your new lender’s mortgage, a copy of the land title and a trust account statement.
- Close and retain the file for the legal minimum period.

AML/CFT means Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009.
FATCA means The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
CRS means the OECD Common Reporting Standard.
OECD means the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

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